

NCWC Letter: Female Genital Mutilation and the Gambian Government

The National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC) was deeply troubled to learn of the recent decision by the Government of Gambia to reintroduce female genital mutilation (FGM) in their country

Eliminating female genital mutilation is a critical step toward making the world a safer and more just place. Canada has a significant role to play in achieving this goal by exerting pressure on countries where this practice persists. Gambia, once a leader in banning female genital mutilation in 2015, stands to benefit greatly from Canada’s wise counsel to uphold this ban and protect countless young girls from harm.

Read NCWC letter to the Canadian Government on Female Genital Mutilation and the Gambian Government here:

NCWC 2024 AGM June 1st, 2024

The National Council of Women of Canada will hold our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, June 1st, 2024 at 12 noon EST time Virtually over Zoom.

Register for the AGM

Social Housing and Human Rights-Mobilizing for Change on Saturday, April 27th, 2024

NCWC EDUCATION FUND: Special Common Program Event Saturday April 27th, 2024.

The National Council of Women of Canada, alongside advocates and social justice researchers, has tirelessly advocated for solutions to the Canadian housing crisis for years. Despite these efforts, tangible and lasting results have remained elusive. Nevertheless, there remains a steadfast hope that politicians and policymakers will heed the lessons of past mistakes and poor results and that they embrace the necessity for a different approach—a comprehensive strategy that addresses the housing crisis from on multiple fronts.

Kirsten Bernas, a Coordinator of the National Social Housing and Human Rights Campaign, will share their insights and best practices during an upcoming online presentation to NCWC members on Saturday, April 27th, 2024. We encourage your participation as we unite our efforts to confront this longstanding issue head-on!

Please share this event with your community and those interested in this issue.
Registrants will receive the link to the event early that morning.

Register here:

About the NCWC Education Fund: The NCWC Education Fund works closely with the National Council of Women of Canada, which represents over 500,000 Canadians through its many federates: Nationally Organized Societies, Provincial and Local Councils of Women, and their federates. Joint research has been done and public education programs held over more than 20 years on the following: Housing is a Human Right will be our focus from 2023 – 2025. 


Housing is a Human Right


NCWC 130th AGM Report