Information About National Organized Societies (NOS)
No society entering into federation with the National Council of Women of Canada shall lose its independence or be committed to the principles of any other federated society of National Council. It may be referred to as either Nationally Organized Society (a NOS) or as one of the federated organizations of NCWC (a federate).
Each NOS is a member of the NCWC’s voting body, receiving a weighted vote of 10, through either the Society’s President or her/his designate. NOS are encouraged to participate in the Annual Meeting, to nominate suitable members of their organization for office in the Council, and communicate with the NCWC regarding issues of mutual concern.
NOS receive regular Council mailings, the Annual Report, and the ‘News from National’. They will be asked to submit a report of their activities to NCWC for the Annual Meeting and are encouraged to submit items to the NCWC office for distribution to the Council mailing list.
Current Nationally Organized Societies that are members of the National Council of Women of Canada are:
Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs
Contact: Karin Gorgerat
The Canadian Federation, as a member of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, links business and professional women across Canada to provide support for and recognition of their achievements, and to work toward equality of opportunity and economic security for all women.
Canadian Society of Midwives
Contact: Tonia Occhionero, Executive Director
The Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) is the national organization representing midwives and the profession of midwifery in Canada. The mission of CAM is to provide leadership and advocacy for midwifery as a regulated, publicly funded and vital part of the primary maternity care system in all provinces and territories. CAM promotes the development of the profession in the public interest and contributes the midwifery perspective to the national health policy agenda. The vision of the Canadian Association of Midwives is that midwifery is fundamental to maternal and newborn health services, and that every woman in Canada will have access to a midwife’s care for herself and her baby.
Canadian Federation of University Women CFUW/FCFDU
Contact: Robin Jackson Executive Director
A non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 100 CFUW Clubs, located in every province across Canada. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. Every year, CFUW and its Clubs award close to $1 million to women to help them pursue post-secondary studies. CFUW also provides funding for library and creative arts awards. CFUW Clubs provide life-long learning opportunities and fellowship to its members. There are over 100 lecture series, 200 book clubs and 75 issues groups offered by CFUW Clubs. CFUW Clubs are involved in community outreach on such initiatives as working to prevent violence against women, child poverty, early learning and child care. CFUW holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW regularly sends a delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. CFUW is the largest affiliate of Graduate Women International which represents women worldwide.
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Contact: Keetha Mercer
In 1991, the Canadian Women’s Foundation was officially launched. A group of eight trail-blazing women was instrumental in getting it off the ground. The NaRuth Foundation donated $50,000 to help get the fledgling organization started. That first year, the Foundation awarded $40,000 in grants to women’s organizations. Since 1991, the Canadian Women’s Foundation has become one of the largest women’s foundations in the world. With the support of donors, the Foundation has raised more than $90 million and funded over 1,900 programs across the country.
CHW Canadian Hadassah-WIZO
Contact: Lisa Colt-Kotler
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) is a non-political, non-partisan national network of dedicated volunteers and professionals who strongly believe that the advancement of childcare, education, healthcare, and women’s issues transcends politics, religion and national boundaries. Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) is Canada’s leading Jewish women’s philanthropic organization. Founded in 1917, CHW is non-political, volunteer-led, and funds a multitude of programs and projects for Children, Healthcare and Women in Israel and Canada. CHW is the sole representative of Hadassah Hospital, the Shamir Medical Centre (Assaf Harofeh), World WIZO and Hadassah Academic College in Canada
Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church
Contact: Shirley Miller
The Women’s Missionary Society is a community of Christians whose purpose, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service and fellowship.
Women CyberSecurity Society
Contact Lisa Kearney, President:
We are dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for cybersecurity. We unite local communities of aspiring and thriving women cybersecurity professionals to collaborate, share their knowledge, network, and mentor. We create opportunities through professional development programs, conferences, and career fairs. Our Mission is to help build a strong gender-diverse cybersecurity workforce by facilitating recruitment, retention, and advancement for women in the field.
Courage for Freedom/Maple Leaf Project
Contact Kelly Franklin, founder:
Courage for Freedom provides direct supports, and trauma informed care for minor aged victim/survivors of human trafficking and their families. Our work outcomes translate into vital training certification, awareness engagement and calls to action. We are a registered charity with a track record as leading experts in network engagement and provision of front-line support, trauma informed horses that heal programs, warm transition case management, safety, and informed mentoring to victim/survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We do this through community work and collective advocacy to bring awareness and eradicate the buying and selling of girls and boys, children.
International Longevity Centre Canada
Contact Margaret Gillis, President International Longevity Centre Canada, and Co-President International Longevity Centre Global Alliance
The International Longevity Centre Canada is a human rights-based organization dedicated to older persons. We are part of the 16 country International Longevity Centre Global Alliance. Our work focuses on ageism in Canada and internationally to help societies address longevity and population ageing in positive and productive ways, typically using a life course approach, highlighting older people’s productivity and contributions to family and society as a whole. We have worked with the NCWC at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women where we collaborated to ensure older women were included in resolutions and discussions. We hope to continue to collaborate with the NCWC to uphold women’s rights throughout the life course.
The Menopause Foundation of Canada
The MFC was created to raise awareness of the impact of menopause on women and society. Our mission is to eliminate the social stigma and taboos associated with menopause to ensure that this important women’s health issue is fully supported by our healthcare system, government, business, and the broader community.
Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada
President – Darcia-