I joined the Ottawa Local Council of Women over 40 years ago, and in addition have memberships in the Vancouver LCW (where we live for part of the year) and the Provincial Council of Women of Ontario. Over the past four decades, I have held a wide variety of offices at the local and provincial levels, as well as at national.
In 1982 I was elected Convener of Physical Education and Recreation at the national level, and later took on other convenorships, eventually becoming Vice President Administration. I am Vice President Social Issues currently.
At the International Council of Women, I was responsible for the Child & Family portfolio during the past three years and am now Co-ordinator for Social Issues, having begun my term at the Triennial in Avignon earlier in 2022.
Other organizations I am active in include: Grandmothers to Grandmothers: helping Africans whose adult children have died of HIV/Aids; the Canadian Federation of University Women; the Council on Aging; and Ontario and Ottawa Health Coalitions.