After 35 years in Health Care I retired in 2005 with degrees in Laboratory Technology, Medical Sciences, Academic Pathology and sub-specialities in Haematopathology and Neuroscience. Over the years I taught both young Technologists and Medical Residents, and held the role of Education Director for the Provincial Board of the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technology. My career in diagnostic R&D at the Vancouver General Hospital led me to the executive of the Delta Hospital Auxiliary as President from 2010 – 15, an organization that successfully runs four businesses, owns three buildings, has over 400 volunteers and 12 employees. During my term we both bought our third building and raised 2.5 million dollars for the new Diagnostic wing. At the end of my term I continued volunteering as an Assistant Supervisor in the local Auxiliary Thrift Shop and spent six years on the Patient Advisory Council for the Fraser Health Provincial Health Region. I continue to represent patient’s needs in the community with the Division of Family Practice in Delta and sit on both the DOVE (Delta Opposes Violence Everywhere) and First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society committees.
In 2015 I took on the role of President of the Vancouver Council of Women then became President of the Provincial Council, PCWBC, in 2017. I was a delegate for this Organization at the United Nations Status of Women Conference in New York (2017) and became Health Convenor for the NCWC in 2019. I have also been active in two CFUW, lower Mainland BC clubs on their executive Boards as Education Chair and President of the South Delta club from 2015-2019. I served as Regional Director of the BC West CFUW Region for four years. I was honored to represent CFUW as a delegate at two International GWI meetings in 2016 and 2019. I am at present a member of two committees looking at the future of Health Care in Canada and how to improve service to the community.
Music is my favorite hobby, I gave up solo work 25 years ago but still sing in a busy local choir. I loved to travel and with my partner of 40 years and visited both on business at International Conferences and pleasure well over 50 countries. For fun I have four grandchildren that I enjoy playing with and knitting for.
Increasing membership is the goal for many women’s organizations today and I believe can be addressed through increasing awareness of the major accomplishments made in the past 100 years and stressing the potential we have to influence the role of women in the next millennium.